Meet Your roaster
Hello coffee lovers! My name is Chad Rickner, and I’m thrilled that you are here. First, and foremost, I am passionate about coffee! From bean to cup, I am fascinated by the process of making great coffee, and In particular, I love the art and science of roasting coffee.
35 years after drinking my first cup of (terrible) coffee, I stumbled on to the wonderful world of specialty coffee. My wife (see below) encouraged me to find a hobby to help stave off my recurring bouts of depression, and so I started looking. I began reading about roasting coffee at home, and more about specialty coffee. It sounded like a healthy activity I could do indoors during the dark winter days. So, I ordered a small drum roaster, some specialty coffee beans, and roasted my first batch. After sampling that first batch, I was hooked. I’ve gone on to roast a variety of different beans from all over the world, and began a path of continuing education for coffee roasting with the Specialty Coffee Association. I’m always looking to learn more and improve my knowledge of coffee. I now roast with a Mill City 10kg roaster with software and digital machine controls. I’d say it’s a step up from my 300g home roaster over a gas camping stove!
Most important, I have shared this journey into coffee with the love of my life, Megan, and could not have done this without her. She is my anchor, sounding board, best friend, and biggest supporter. I love my career, but love it even more with her alongside me!
I truly hope to pass on my passion for specialty coffee to each of you, or at the very least, sell you some great coffee! No matter why you’re here, or how you’ve managed to read all the way to this point, here’s to great coffee and the people that drink it! Cheers!
Chad Rickner
Owner / Roaster
SCA Certifications:
Green Coffee
Sensory Skills